vpndb.org (formerly whoisyourvpn.com) is a grassroots initiative that aims to educate individuals on the topics of privacy, security, and digital sovereignty, and empower them to make informed decisions. Our goal is to spread awareness, increase transparency, and dispel myths in the world of privacy and security.
What we are not:
- A review website: We do not ‘review’ products or services or make recommendations based on subjective experiences. We provide information and data that we have collected independently and allow users to come to their own conclusion. If we offer our opinion, it will be noted as such.
- A political organization: Our stance is incredibly simple – privacy and security are for everyone. We have no political affiliations nor do we have any political leanings.
- A business: We don’t use referral links, referral codes, or anything of the sort. We do not sell products and nor will we ever offer any. Everything we have to offer is freely available on this website.
- Arbiters of reality or morality: We will not opine about the ethics, morality, or legality of any topic. If a topic being discussed has legal considerations or ramifications that may affect your security, we will mention it. We are not here to be your moral and ethical compass. We are not your lawyers.